from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from math import prod
from typing import Optional, Union
import functools
import inspect
import torch
import re
import keyword
from torch import Tensor
from .packed import Packed
from .namespace_dict import NamespaceDict, NestedNamespaceDict
from .parameter import Parameter
__all__ = ("Parametrized","unpack")
def check_valid_name(name):
if keyword.iskeyword(name) or not bool(re.match("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", name)):
raise NameError(f"The string {name} contains illegal characters (like space or '-'). "\
"Please use snake case or another valid python variable naming style.")
class Parametrized:
Represents a class with Param and Parametrized attributes, typically used to construct parts of a simulator
that have parameters which need to be tracked during MCMC sampling.
This class can contain Params, Parametrized, tensor buffers or normal attributes as its attributes.
It provides functionalities to manage these attributes, ensuring that an attribute of one type isn't rebound
to be of a different type.
- Attributes can be Params, Parametrized, tensor buffers or just normal attributes.
- Need to make sure an attribute of one of those types isn't rebound to be of a different type.
name (str): The name of the Parametrized object. Default to class name.
parents (NestedNamespaceDict): Nested dictionary of parent Parametrized objects (higher level, more abstract modules).
params (OrderedDict[str, Parameter]): Dictionary of parameters.
childs NestedNamespaceDict: Nested dictionary of childs Parametrized objects (lower level, more specialized modules).
dynamic_size (int): Size of dynamic parameters.
n_dynamic (int): Number of dynamic parameters.
n_static (int): Number of static parameters.
def __init__(self, name: str = None):
if name is None:
name = self._default_name()
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise ValueError(f"name must be a string (received {name})")
self._name = name
self._parents: OrderedDict[str, Parametrized] = NamespaceDict()
self._params: OrderedDict[str, Parameter] = NamespaceDict()
self._childs: OrderedDict[str, Parametrized] = NamespaceDict()
self._module_key_map = {}
def _default_name(self):
return"([A-Z])\w+", str(self.__class__)).group()
def __getattribute__(self, key):
return super().__getattribute__(key)
except AttributeError as e:
# Check if key refers to a parametrized module name (different from its attribute key)
_map = super().__getattribute__("_module_key_map") # use super to avoid recursion error
if key in _map.keys():
return super().__getattribute__(_map[key])
raise e
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key in self._params.keys():
# Redefine parameter value instead of making a new attribute
self._params[key].value = value
elif isinstance(value, Parameter):
# Create new parameter and attach it as an attribute
self.add_param(key, value.value, value.shape)
elif isinstance(value, Parametrized):
# Update map from attribute key to module name for __getattribute__ method
self._module_key_map[] = key
self.add_parametrized(value, set_attr=False)
# set attr only to user defined key, not module name (self.{} is still accessible, see __getattribute__ method)
super().__setattr__(key, value)
super().__setattr__(key, value)
except AttributeError: # _params or another attribute in here do not exist yet
super().__setattr__(key, value)
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
def name(self, new_name: str):
old_name =
for parent in self._parents.values():
del parent._childs[old_name]
parent._childs[new_name] = self
for child in self._childs.values():
del child._parents[old_name]
child._parents[new_name] = self
self._name = new_name
def to(self, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None):
Moves static Params for this component and its childs to the specified device and casts them to the specified data type.
for name, p in self._params.items():
self._params[name] =, dtype)
for child in self._childs.values():, dtype)
return self
def _generate_unique_name(name, module_names):
i = 1
while f"{name}_{i}" in module_names:
i += 1
return f"{name}_{i}"
def add_parametrized(self, p: "Parametrized", set_attr=True):
Add a child to this module, and create edges for the DAG
# If is already in the module parents, we need to update
if in p._parents.keys():
new_name = self._generate_unique_name(, p._parents.keys()) = new_name # from name.setter, this updates the DAG edges as well
p._parents[] = self
# If the module name is already in self._childs, we need to update module name
if is self._childs.keys():
new_name = self._generate_unique_name(, self._childs.keys()) = new_name
self._childs[] = p
if set_attr:
super().__setattr__(, p)
def add_param(
name: str,
value: Optional[Union[Tensor, float]] = None,
shape: Optional[tuple[int, ...]] = (),
Stores a parameter in the _params dictionary and records its size.
name (str): The name of the parameter.
value (Optional[Tensor], optional): The value of the parameter. Defaults to None.
shape (Optional[tuple[int, ...]], optional): The shape of the parameter. Defaults to an empty tuple.
self._params[name] = Parameter(value, shape)
# __setattr__ inside add_param to catch all uses of this method
super().__setattr__(name, self._params[name])
def n_dynamic(self) -> int:
return len(self.module_params.dynamic)
def n_static(self) -> int:
return len(self.module_params.static)
def dynamic_size(self) -> int:
return sum(prod(dyn.shape) for dyn in self.module_params.dynamic.values())
def pack(
x: Union[
dict[str, Union[list[Tensor], Tensor, dict[str, Tensor]]],
] = Packed(),
) -> Packed:
Converts a list or tensor into a dict that can subsequently be unpacked
into arguments to this component and its childs. Also, add a batch dimension
to each Tensor without such a dimension.
x (Union[list[Tensor], dict[str, Union[list[Tensor], Tensor, dict[str, Tensor]]], Tensor):
The input to be packed. Can be a list of tensors, a dictionary of tensors, or a single tensor.
Packed: The packed input, and whether or not the input was batched.
ValueError: If the input is not a list, dictionary, or tensor.
ValueError: If the input is a dictionary and some keys are missing.
ValueError: If the number of dynamic arguments does not match the expected number.
ValueError: If the input is a tensor and the shape does not match the expected shape.
if isinstance(x, (dict, Packed)):
missing_names = [name for name in self.params.dynamic.keys() if name not in x]
if len(missing_names) > 0:
raise ValueError(f"missing x keys for {missing_names}")
# TODO: check structure!
return Packed(x)
elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
n_passed = len(x)
n_dynamic_params = len(self.params.dynamic.flatten())
n_dynamic_modules = len(self.dynamic_modules)
x_repacked = {}
if n_passed == n_dynamic_params:
cur_offset = 0
for name, module in self.dynamic_modules.items():
x_repacked[name] = x[cur_offset : cur_offset + module.n_dynamic]
cur_offset += module.n_dynamic
elif n_passed == n_dynamic_modules:
for i, name in enumerate(self.dynamic_modules.keys()):
x_repacked[name] = x[i]
raise ValueError(
f"{n_passed} dynamic args were passed, but {n_dynamic_params} parameters or "
f"{n_dynamic_modules} Tensor (1 per dynamic module) are required"
return Packed(x_repacked)
elif isinstance(x, Tensor):
n_passed = x.shape[-1]
n_expected = sum([module.dynamic_size for module in self.dynamic_modules.values()])
if n_passed != n_expected:
# TODO: give component and arg names
raise ValueError(
f"{n_passed} flattened dynamic args were passed, but {n_expected} "
f"are required"
cur_offset = 0
x_repacked = {}
for name, module in self.dynamic_modules.items():
x_repacked[name] = x[..., cur_offset : cur_offset + module.dynamic_size]
cur_offset += module.dynamic_size
return Packed(x_repacked)
raise ValueError("Data structure not supported")
def unpack(
self, x: Optional[dict[str, Union[list[Tensor], dict[str, Tensor], Tensor]]]
) -> list[Tensor]:
Unpacks a dict of kwargs, list of args or flattened vector of args to retrieve
this object's static and dynamic parameters.
x (Optional[dict[str, Union[list[Tensor], dict[str, Tensor], Tensor]]]):
The packed object to be unpacked.
list[Tensor]: Unpacked static and dynamic parameters of the object. Note that
parameters will have an added batch dimension from the pack method.
ValueError: If the input is not a dict, list, tuple or tensor.
ValueError: If the argument type is invalid. It must be a dict containing key {}
and value containing args as list or flattened tensor, or kwargs.
# Check if module has dynamic parameters
if self.module_params.dynamic:
dynamic_x = x[]
else: # all parameters are static and module is not present in x
dynamic_x = []
if isinstance(x, dict):
if in x.keys() and x.get(, {}):
print(f"Module {} is static, the parameters {' '.join(x[].keys())} passed dynamically will be ignored ignored")
unpacked_x = []
offset = 0
for name, param in self._params.items():
if param.dynamic:
if isinstance(dynamic_x, dict):
param_value = dynamic_x[name]
elif isinstance(dynamic_x, (list, tuple)):
param_value = dynamic_x[offset]
offset += 1
elif isinstance(dynamic_x, Tensor):
size = prod(param.shape)
param_value = dynamic_x[..., offset: offset + size].reshape(param.shape)
offset += size
raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type found when unpacking parameters for {}."
f"Expected argument of unpack to be a list/tuple/dict of Tensor, or simply a flattened tensor"
f"but found {type(dynamic_x)}.")
else: # param is static
param_value = param.value
if not isinstance(param_value, Tensor):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type found when unpacking parameters for {}."
f"Argument of unpack must contain Tensor, but found {type(param_value)}")
return unpacked_x
def module_params(self) -> NestedNamespaceDict:
static = NestedNamespaceDict()
dynamic = NestedNamespaceDict()
for name, param in self._params.items():
if param.static:
static[name] = param
dynamic[name] = param
return NestedNamespaceDict([("static", static), ("dynamic", dynamic)])
def params(self) -> NestedNamespaceDict:
# todo make this an ordinary dict and reorder at the end.
static = NestedNamespaceDict()
dynamic = NestedNamespaceDict()
def _get_params(module):
if module.module_params.static:
static[] = module.module_params.static
if module.module_params.dynamic:
dynamic[] = module.module_params.dynamic
for child in module._childs.values():
# TODO reorder
return NestedNamespaceDict([("static", static), ("dynamic", dynamic)])
def dynamic_modules(self) -> NamespaceDict[str, "Parametrized"]:
# Only catch modules with dynamic parameters
modules = NamespaceDict() # todo make this an ordinary dict and reorder at the end.
def _get_childs(module):
# Start from root, and move down the DAG
if module.module_params.dynamic:
modules[] = module
if module._childs != {}:
for child in module._childs.values():
# TODO reorder
return modules
def __repr__(self) -> str:
# TODO: change
return str(self)
def __str__(self) -> str:
static = self.module_params.static
dynamic = self.module_params.dynamic
static_str = ", ".join(list(static.keys()))
dynamic_str = ", ".join(list(dynamic.keys()))
desc_dynamic_strs = []
if self.n_dynamic > 0:
desc_dynamic_strs.append(f"('{}': {list(dynamic.keys())})")
for n, d in self._childs.items():
if d.n_dynamic > 0:
desc_dynamic_strs.append(f"('{n}': {list(d.module_params.dynamic.keys())})")
desc_dynamic_str = ", ".join(desc_dynamic_strs)
return (
f" name='{}',\n"
f" static=[{static_str}],\n"
f" dynamic=[{dynamic_str}],\n"
f" x keys=[{desc_dynamic_str}]\n"
def get_graph(
self, show_dynamic_params: bool = False, show_static_params: bool = False
) -> "graphviz.Digraph": # type: ignore
Returns a graph representation of the object and its parameters.
show_dynamic_params (bool, optional): If true, the dynamic parameters are shown in the graph. Defaults to False.
show_static_params (bool, optional): If true, the static parameters are shown in the graph. Defaults to False.
graphviz.Digraph: The graph representation of the object.
import graphviz
def add_component(p: Parametrized, dot):
dot.attr("node", style="solid", color="black", shape="ellipse")
dot.node(, f"{p.__class__.__name__}('{}')")
def add_params(p: Parametrized, dot):
static = p.module_params.static.keys()
dynamic = p.module_params.dynamic.keys()
dot.attr("node", style="solid", color="black", shape="box")
for n in dynamic:
if show_dynamic_params:
dot.node(f"{}/{n}", n)
dot.edge(, f"{}/{n}")
dot.attr("node", style="filled", color="lightgrey", shape="box")
for n in static:
if show_static_params:
dot.node(f"{}/{n}", n)
dot.edge(, f"{}/{n}")
dot = graphviz.Digraph(strict=True)
add_component(self, dot)
add_params(self, dot)
for child in self._childs.values():
add_component(child, dot)
for parent in child._parents.values():
if not in self._childs and !=
add_component(parent, dot)
add_params(child, dot)
return dot
def unpack(n_leading_args=0):
def decorator(method):
sig = inspect.signature(method)
method_params = list(sig.parameters.keys())[1:] # exclude 'self'
n_params = len(method_params)
def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
args = list(args)
leading_args = []
# Collect leading args and separate them from module parameters (trailing args)
for i in range(n_leading_args):
param = method_params[i]
if param in kwargs:
elif args:
# Collect module parameters passed in argument (dynamic or otherwise)
if args and isinstance(args[0], Packed):
# Case 1: Params is already Packed (or no params were passed)
x = args.pop(0)
elif "params" in kwargs:
# Case 2: params was passed explicitly as a kwargs, i.e. user used signature "method(*leading_args, params=params)"
x = kwargs["params"]
# Case 3 (most common): params were passed as the trailing arguments of the method
trailing_args = []
for i in range(n_leading_args, n_params):
param = method_params[i]
if param in kwargs:
elif args:
if not trailing_args or (len(trailing_args) == 1 and trailing_args[0] is None):
# No params were passed, module is static and was expecting no params
x = Packed()
elif isinstance(trailing_args[0], (list, dict)):
# params were part of a collection already (don't double wrap them)
x = self.pack(trailing_args[0])
# all parameters were passed individually in args or kwargs
x = self.pack(trailing_args)
unpacked_args = self.unpack(x)
kwargs['params'] = x
return method(self, *leading_args, *unpacked_args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return decorator