Source code for caustics.lenses.pixelated_convergence

from math import pi
from typing import Any, Optional

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from scipy.fft import next_fast_len
from torch import Tensor

from ..cosmology import Cosmology
from ..utils import get_meshgrid, interp2d, safe_divide, safe_log
from .base import ThinLens
from ..parametrized import unpack

__all__ = ("PixelatedConvergence",)

[docs] class PixelatedConvergence(ThinLens): def __init__( self, pixelscale: float, n_pix: int, cosmology: Cosmology, z_l: Optional[Tensor] = None, x0: Optional[Tensor] = torch.tensor(0.0), y0: Optional[Tensor] = torch.tensor(0.0), convergence_map: Optional[Tensor] = None, shape: Optional[tuple[int, ...]] = None, convolution_mode: str = "fft", use_next_fast_len: bool = True, padding = "zero", name: str = None, ): """Strong lensing with user provided kappa map PixelatedConvergence is a class for strong gravitational lensing with a user-provided kappa map. It inherits from the ThinLens class. This class enables the computation of deflection angles and lensing potential by applying the user-provided kappa map to a grid using either Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) or a 2D convolution. Attributes: name (str): The name of the PixelatedConvergence object. fov (float): The field of view in arcseconds. n_pix (int): The number of pixels on each side of the grid. cosmology (Cosmology): An instance of the cosmological parameters. z_l (Optional[Tensor]): The redshift of the lens. x0 (Optional[Tensor]): The x-coordinate of the center of the grid. y0 (Optional[Tensor]): The y-coordinate of the center of the grid. convergence_map (Optional[Tensor]): A 2D tensor representing the convergence map. shape (Optional[tuple[int, ...]]): The shape of the convergence map. convolution_mode (str, optional): The convolution mode for calculating deflection angles and lensing potential. It can be either "fft" (Fast Fourier Transform) or "conv2d" (2D convolution). Default is "fft". use_next_fast_len (bool, optional): If True, adds additional padding to speed up the FFT by calling `scipy.fft.next_fast_len`. The speed boost can be substantial when `n_pix` is a multiple of a small prime number. Default is True. padding (str): Specifies the type of padding to use. "zero" will do zero padding, "circular" will do cyclic boundaries. "reflect" will do reflection padding. "tile" will tile the image at 2x2 which basically identical to circular padding, but is easier. Generally you should use either "zero" or "tile". """ super().__init__(cosmology, z_l, name=name) if convergence_map is not None and convergence_map.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f"convergence_map must be 2D. Received a {convergence_map.ndim}D tensor)" ) elif shape is not None and len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError( f"shape must specify a 2D tensor. Received shape={shape}" ) self.add_param("x0", x0) self.add_param("y0", y0) self.add_param("convergence_map", convergence_map, shape) self.n_pix = n_pix self.pixelscale = pixelscale self.fov = self.n_pix * self.pixelscale self.use_next_fast_len = use_next_fast_len self.padding = padding # Construct kernels x_mg, y_mg = get_meshgrid(self.pixelscale, 2 * self.n_pix, 2 * self.n_pix) # Shift to center kernels within pixel at index n_pix x_mg = x_mg - self.pixelscale / 2 y_mg = y_mg - self.pixelscale / 2 d2 = x_mg**2 + y_mg**2 self.potential_kernel = safe_log(d2.sqrt()) self.ax_kernel = safe_divide(x_mg, d2) self.ay_kernel = safe_divide(y_mg, d2) # Set centers of kernels to zero self.potential_kernel[..., self.n_pix, self.n_pix] = 0 self.ax_kernel[..., self.n_pix, self.n_pix] = 0 self.ay_kernel[..., self.n_pix, self.n_pix] = 0 self.potential_kernel_tilde = None self.ax_kernel_tilde = None self.ay_kernel_tilde = None self._s = None # Triggers creation of FFTs of kernels self.convolution_mode = convolution_mode
[docs] def to( self, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None ): """ Move the ConvergenceGrid object and all its tensors to the specified device and dtype. Args: device (Optional[torch.device]): The target device to move the tensors to. dtype (Optional[torch.dtype]): The target data type to cast the tensors to. """ super().to(device, dtype) self.potential_kernel =, dtype=dtype) self.ax_kernel =, dtype=dtype) self.ay_kernel =, dtype=dtype) if self.potential_kernel_tilde is not None: self.potential_kernel_tilde = if self.ax_kernel_tilde is not None: self.ax_kernel_tilde = if self.ay_kernel_tilde is not None: self.ay_kernel_tilde =
def _fft2_padded(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Compute the 2D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of a tensor with zero-padding. Args: x (Tensor): The input tensor to be transformed. Returns: Tensor: The 2D FFT of the input tensor with zero-padding. """ pad = 2 * self.n_pix if self.use_next_fast_len: pad = next_fast_len(pad) self._s = (pad, pad) if self.padding == "zero": pass elif self.padding in ["reflect", "circular"]: x = F.pad(x[None,None], (0, self.n_pix-1, 0, self.n_pix-1), mode = self.padding).squeeze() elif self.padding == "tile": x = torch.tile(x, (2,2)) return torch.fft.rfft2(x, self._s) def _unpad_fft(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Remove padding from the result of a 2D FFT. Args: x (Tensor): The input tensor with padding. Returns: Tensor: The input tensor without padding. """ return torch.roll(x, (-self._s[0]//2,-self._s[1]//2), dims = (-2,-1))[..., :self.n_pix, :self.n_pix] def _unpad_conv2d(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Remove padding from the result of a 2D convolution. Args: x (Tensor): The input tensor with padding. Returns: Tensor: The input tensor without padding. """ return x # torch.roll(x, (-self.padding_range * self.ax_kernel.shape[0]//4,-self.padding_range * self.ax_kernel.shape[1]//4), dims = (-2,-1))[..., :self.n_pix, :self.n_pix] #[..., 1:, 1:] @property def convolution_mode(self): """ Get the convolution mode of the ConvergenceGrid object. Returns: str: The convolution mode, either "fft" or "conv2d". """ return self._convolution_mode @convolution_mode.setter def convolution_mode(self, convolution_mode: str): """ Set the convolution mode of the ConvergenceGrid object. Args: mode (str): The convolution mode to be set, either "fft" or "conv2d". """ if convolution_mode == "fft": # Create FFTs of kernels self.potential_kernel_tilde = self._fft2_padded(self.potential_kernel) self.ax_kernel_tilde = self._fft2_padded(self.ax_kernel) self.ay_kernel_tilde = self._fft2_padded(self.ay_kernel) elif convolution_mode == "conv2d": # Drop FFTs of kernels self.potential_kernel_tilde = None self.ax_kernel_tilde = None self.ay_kernel_tilde = None else: raise ValueError("invalid convolution convolution_mode") self._convolution_mode = convolution_mode
[docs] @unpack(3) def reduced_deflection_angle( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, z_l, x0, y0, convergence_map, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Compute the deflection angles at the specified positions using the given convergence map. Args: x (Tensor): The x-coordinates of the positions to compute the deflection angles for. y (Tensor): The y-coordinates of the positions to compute the deflection angles for. z_s (Tensor): The source redshift. params (Packed, optional): A dictionary containing additional parameters. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: The x and y components of the deflection angles at the specified positions. """ if self.convolution_mode == "fft": deflection_angle_x_map, deflection_angle_y_map = self._deflection_angle_fft(convergence_map) else: deflection_angle_x_map, deflection_angle_y_map = self._deflection_angle_conv2d(convergence_map) # Scale is distance from center of image to center of pixel on the edge scale = self.fov / 2 deflection_angle_x = interp2d( deflection_angle_x_map, (x - x0).view(-1) / scale, (y - y0).view(-1) / scale ).reshape(x.shape) deflection_angle_y = interp2d( deflection_angle_y_map, (x - x0).view(-1) / scale, (y - y0).view(-1) / scale ).reshape(x.shape) return deflection_angle_x, deflection_angle_y
def _deflection_angle_fft(self, convergence_map: Tensor) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Compute the deflection angles using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method. Args: convergence_map (Tensor): The 2D tensor representing the convergence map. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: The x and y components of the deflection angles. """ convergence_tilde = self._fft2_padded(convergence_map) deflection_angle_x = torch.fft.irfft2(convergence_tilde * self.ax_kernel_tilde, self._s).real * ( self.pixelscale**2 / pi ) deflection_angle_y = torch.fft.irfft2(convergence_tilde * self.ay_kernel_tilde, self._s).real * ( self.pixelscale**2 / pi ) return self._unpad_fft(deflection_angle_x), self._unpad_fft(deflection_angle_y) def _deflection_angle_conv2d(self, convergence_map: Tensor) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Compute the deflection angles using the 2D convolution method. Args: convergence_map (Tensor): The 2D tensor representing the convergence map. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: The x and y components of the deflection angles. """ # Use convergence_map as kernel since the kernel is twice as large. Flip since # we actually want the cross-correlation. pad = 2 * self.n_pix convergence_map_flipped = convergence_map.flip((-1, -2))[None, None] # F.pad(, ((pad - self.n_pix)//2, (pad - self.n_pix)//2, (pad - self.n_pix)//2, (pad - self.n_pix)//2), mode = self.padding_mode) deflection_angle_x = F.conv2d(self.ax_kernel[None, None], convergence_map_flipped, padding = "same").squeeze() * ( self.pixelscale**2 / pi ) deflection_angle_y = F.conv2d(self.ay_kernel[None, None], convergence_map_flipped, padding = "same").squeeze() * ( self.pixelscale**2 / pi ) return self._unpad_conv2d(deflection_angle_x), self._unpad_conv2d(deflection_angle_y)
[docs] @unpack(3) def potential( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, z_l, x0, y0, convergence_map, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Compute the lensing potential at the specified positions using the given convergence map. Args: x (Tensor): The x-coordinates of the positions to compute the lensing potential for. y (Tensor): The y-coordinates of the positions to compute the lensing potential for. z_s (Tensor): The source redshift. params (Packed, optional): A dictionary containing additional parameters. Returns: Tensor: The lensing potential at the specified positions. """ if self.convolution_mode == "fft": potential_map = self._potential_fft(convergence_map) else: potential_map = self._potential_conv2d(convergence_map) # Scale is distance from center of image to center of pixel on the edge scale = self.fov / 2 return interp2d( potential_map, (x - x0).view(-1) / scale, (y - y0).view(-1) / scale ).reshape(x.shape)
def _potential_fft(self, convergence_map: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Compute the lensing potential using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method. Args: convergence_map (Tensor): The 2D tensor representing the convergence map. Returns: Tensor: The lensing potential. """ convergence_tilde = self._fft2_padded(convergence_map) potential = torch.fft.irfft2(convergence_tilde * self.potential_kernel_tilde, self._s) * ( self.pixelscale**2 / pi ) return self._unpad_fft(potential) def _potential_conv2d(self, convergence_map: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Compute the lensing potential using the 2D convolution method. Args: convergence_map (Tensor): The 2D tensor representing the convergence map. Returns: Tensor: The lensing potential. """ # Use convergence_map as kernel since the kernel is twice as large. Flip since # we actually want the cross-correlation. convergence_map_flipped = convergence_map.flip((-1, -2))[None, None] potential = F.conv2d(self.potential_kernel[None, None], convergence_map_flipped, padding = "same").squeeze() * ( self.pixelscale**2 / pi ) return self._unpad_conv2d(potential)
[docs] @unpack(3) def convergence( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, z_l, x0, y0, convergence_map, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Compute the convergence at the specified positions. This method is not implemented. Args: x (Tensor): The x-coordinates of the positions to compute the convergence for. y (Tensor): The y-coordinates of the positions to compute the convergence for. z_s (Tensor): The source redshift. params (Packed, optional): A dictionary containing additional parameters. Returns: Tensor: The convergence at the specified positions. Raises: NotImplementedError: This method is not implemented. """ return interp2d( convergence_map, (x - x0).view(-1) / self.fov*2, (y - y0).view(-1) / self.fov*2 ).reshape(x.shape)