Source code for caustics.lenses.base

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from functools import partial
import warnings

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from ..constants import arcsec_to_rad, c_Mpc_s
from ..cosmology import Cosmology
from ..parametrized import Parametrized, unpack 
from .utils import get_magnification
from ..utils import batch_lm

__all__ = ("ThinLens", "ThickLens")

class Lens(Parametrized):
    Base class for all lenses
    def __init__(self, cosmology: Cosmology, name: str = None):
        Initializes a new instance of the Lens class.

            name (str): The name of the lens model.
            cosmology (Cosmology): An instance of a Cosmology class that describes the cosmological parameters of the model.
        self.cosmology = cosmology

    def jacobian_lens_equation(
            self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, method = "autograd", pixelscale = None, **kwargs
    ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]:
        Return the jacobian of the lensing equation at specified points. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point.

        method: autograd or fft

        if method == "autograd":
            return self._jacobian_lens_equation_autograd(x, y, z_s, params, **kwargs)
        elif method == "finitediff":
            if pixelscale is None:
                raise ValueError("Finite differences lensing jacobian requires regular grid and known pixelscale. Please include the pixelscale argument")
            return self._jacobian_lens_equation_finitediff(x, y, z_s, pixelscale, params, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError("method should be one of: autograd, finitediff")

    def magnification(self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs) -> Tensor:
        Compute the gravitational magnification at the given coordinates.

            x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane.
            y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane.
            z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts.
            params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None.

            Tensor: Gravitational magnification at the given coordinates.
        return get_magnification(partial(self.raytrace, params = params), x, y, z_s)

    def forward_raytrace(
            self, bx: Tensor, by: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, epsilon = 1e-2, n_init = 50, fov = 5., **kwargs
    ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
        Perform a forward ray-tracing operation which maps from the source plane to the image plane.

            bx (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinate in the source plane (scalar).
            by (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinate in the source plane (scalar).
            z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts.
            params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None.
            epsilon (Tensor): maximum distance between two images (arcsec) before they are considered the same image.
            n_init (int): number of random initialization points used to try and find image plane points.
            fov (float): the field of view in which the initial random samples are taken.

            tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: Ray-traced coordinates in the x and y directions.
        bxy = torch.stack((bx, by)).repeat(n_init,1) # has shape (n_init, Dout:2)

        # TODO make FOV more general so that it doesnt have to be centered on zero,zero
        if fov is None:
            raise ValueError("fov must be given to generate initial guesses")

        # Random starting points in image plane
        guesses = torch.as_tensor(fov) * (torch.rand(n_init, 2) - 0.5) # Has shape (n_init, Din:2)

        # Optimize guesses in image plane
        x, l, c = batch_lm(
            lambda *a, **k: torch.stack(self.raytrace(a[0][...,0], a[0][...,1], *a[1:], **k), dim = -1),
            f_args = (z_s, params)

        # Clip points that didn't converge
        x = x[c < 1e-2*epsilon**2]

        # Cluster results into n-images
        res = []
        while len(x) > 0:
            d = torch.linalg.norm(x - x[0], dim = -1)
            x = x[d > epsilon]

        res = torch.stack(res,dim = 0)
        return res[...,0], res[...,1]

[docs] class ThickLens(Lens): """ Base class for modeling gravitational lenses that cannot be treated using the thin lens approximation. It is an abstract class and should be subclassed for different types of lens models. Attributes: cosmology (Cosmology): An instance of a Cosmology class that describes the cosmological parameters of the model. """
[docs] @unpack(3) def reduced_deflection_angle( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ ThickLens objects do not have a reduced deflection angle since the distance D_ls is undefined Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Raises: NotImplementedError """ warnings.warn("ThickLens objects do not have a reduced deflection angle since they have no unique lens redshift. The distance D_{ls} is undefined in the equation $\alpha_{reduced} = \frac{D_{ls}}{D_s}\alpha_{physical}$. See `effective_reduced_deflection_angle`. Now using effective_reduced_deflection_angle, please switch functions to remove this warning") return self.effective_reduced_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params)
[docs] @unpack(3) def effective_reduced_deflection_angle( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ThickLens objects do not have a reduced deflection angle since the distance D_ls is undefined. Instead we define an effective reduced deflection angle by simply assuming the relation $\alpha = \theta - \beta$ holds, where $\alpha$ is the effective reduced deflection angle, $\theta$ are the observed angular coordinates, and $\beta$ are the angular coordinates to the source plane. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. """ bx, by = self.raytrace(x, y, z_s, params) return x - bx, y - by
[docs] @unpack(3) def physical_deflection_angle( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Physical deflection angles are computed with respect to a lensing plane. ThickLens objects have no unique definition of a lens plane and so cannot compute a physical_deflection_angle Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: Tuple of Tensors representing the x and y components of the deflection angle, respectively. """ raise NotImplementedError("Physical deflection angles are computed with respect to a lensing plane. ThickLens objects have no unique definition of a lens plane and so cannot compute a physical_deflection_angle")
[docs] @abstractmethod @unpack(3) def raytrace( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Performs ray tracing by computing the angular position on the source plance associated with a given input observed angular coordinate x,y. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: Tuple of Tensors representing the x and y coordinates of the ray-traced light rays, respectively. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod @unpack(3) def surface_density( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Computes the projected mass density at given coordinates. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: Tensor: The projected mass density at the given coordinates in units of solar masses per square Megaparsec. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod @unpack(3) def time_delay( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Computes the gravitational time delay at given coordinates. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor ofsource redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: Tensor: The gravitational time delay at the given coordinates. """ ...
@unpack(4) def _jacobian_effective_deflection_angle_finitediff( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, pixelscale: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the effective reduced deflection angle vector field. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. """ # Compute deflection angles ax, ay = self.effective_reduced_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params) # Build Jacobian J = torch.zeros((*ax.shape, 2, 2), device=ax.device, dtype=ax.dtype) J[...,0,1], J[...,0,0] = torch.gradient(ax, spacing = pixelscale) J[...,1,1], J[...,1,0] = torch.gradient(ay, spacing = pixelscale) return J @unpack(3) def _jacobian_effective_deflection_angle_autograd( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the effective reduced deflection angle vector field. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. """ # Ensure the x,y coordinates track gradients x = x.detach().requires_grad_() y = y.detach().requires_grad_() # Compute deflection angles ax, ay = self.effective_reduced_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params) # Build Jacobian J = torch.zeros((*ax.shape, 2, 2), device=ax.device, dtype=ax.dtype) J[...,0,0], = torch.autograd.grad(ax, x, grad_outputs = torch.ones_like(ax), create_graph = True) J[...,0,1], = torch.autograd.grad(ax, y, grad_outputs = torch.ones_like(ax), create_graph = True) J[...,1,0], = torch.autograd.grad(ay, x, grad_outputs = torch.ones_like(ay), create_graph = True) J[...,1,1], = torch.autograd.grad(ay, y, grad_outputs = torch.ones_like(ay), create_graph = True) return J.detach()
[docs] @unpack(3) def jacobian_effective_deflection_angle( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, method = "autograd", pixelscale = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the effective reduced deflection angle vector field. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. method: autograd or fft """ if method == "autograd": return self._jacobian_effective_deflection_angle_autograd(x, y, z_s, params) elif method == "finitediff": if pixelscale is None: raise ValueError("Finite differences lensing jacobian requires regular grid and known pixelscale. Please include the pixelscale argument") return self._jacobian_effective_deflection_angle_finitediff(x, y, z_s, pixelscale, params) else: raise ValueError("method should be one of: autograd, finitediff")
@unpack(4) def _jacobian_lens_equation_finitediff( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, pixelscale: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the lensing equation at specified points. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. """ # Build Jacobian J = self._jacobian_effective_deflection_angle_finitediff(x, y, z_s, pixelscale, params, **kwargs) return torch.eye(2) - J @unpack(3) def _jacobian_lens_equation_autograd( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the lensing equation at specified points. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. """ # Build Jacobian J = self._jacobian_effective_deflection_angle_autograd(x, y, z_s, params, **kwargs) return torch.eye(2) - J.detach()
[docs] @unpack(3) def effective_convergence_div( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Using the divergence of the effective reduced delfection angle we can compute the divergence component of the effective convergence field. This field produces a single plane convergence field which reproduces as much of the deflection field as possible for a single plane. See: see also the `effective_convergence_curl` method. """ J = self.jacobian_effective_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params, **kwargs) return 0.5*(J[...,0,0] + J[...,1,1])
[docs] @unpack(3) def effective_convergence_curl( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Use the curl of the effective reduced deflection angle vector field to compute an effective convergence which derrives specifically from the curl of the deflection field. This field is purely a result of multiplane lensing and cannot occur in single plane lensing. See: """ J = self.jacobian_effective_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params, **kwargs) return 0.5 * (J[...,1,0] - J[...,0,1])
[docs] class ThinLens(Lens): """Base class for thin gravitational lenses. This class provides an interface for thin gravitational lenses, i.e., lenses that can be modeled using the thin lens approximation. The class provides methods to compute several lensing quantities such as the deflection angle, convergence, potential, surface mass density, and gravitational time delay. Args: name (str): Name of the lens model. cosmology (Cosmology): Cosmology object that encapsulates cosmological parameters and distances. z_l (Optional[Tensor], optional): Redshift of the lens. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, cosmology: Cosmology, z_l: Optional[Union[Tensor, float]] = None, name: str = None): super().__init__(cosmology = cosmology, name = name) self.add_param("z_l", z_l)
[docs] @unpack(3) def reduced_deflection_angle( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, z_l, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Computes the reduced deflection angle of the lens at given coordinates [arcsec]. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: Reduced deflection angle in x and y directions. """ d_s = self.cosmology.angular_diameter_distance(z_s, params) d_ls = self.cosmology.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(z_l, z_s, params) deflection_angle_x, deflection_angle_y = self.physical_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params) return (d_ls / d_s) * deflection_angle_x, (d_ls / d_s) * deflection_angle_y
[docs] @unpack(3) def physical_deflection_angle( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, z_l, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Computes the physical deflection angle immediately after passing through this lens's plane. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: Physical deflection angle in x and y directions in arcseconds. """ d_s = self.cosmology.angular_diameter_distance(z_s, params) d_ls = self.cosmology.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(z_l, z_s, params) deflection_angle_x, deflection_angle_y = self.reduced_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params) return (d_s / d_ls) * deflection_angle_x, (d_s / d_ls) * deflection_angle_y
[docs] @abstractmethod @unpack(3) def convergence( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Computes the convergence of the lens at given coordinates. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: Tensor: Convergence at the given coordinates. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod @unpack(3) def potential( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Computes the gravitational lensing potential at given coordinates. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: Tensor: Gravitational lensing potential at the given coordinates in arcsec^2. """ ...
[docs] @unpack(3) def surface_density( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, z_l, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: """ Computes the surface mass density of the lens at given coordinates. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: Tensor: Surface mass density at the given coordinates in solar masses per Mpc^2. """ critical_surface_density = self.cosmology.critical_surface_density(z_l, z_s, params) return self.convergence(x, y, z_s, params) * critical_surface_density
[docs] @unpack(3) def raytrace( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Perform a ray-tracing operation by subtracting the deflection angles from the input coordinates. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: Ray-traced coordinates in the x and y directions. """ ax, ay = self.reduced_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params) return x - ax, y - ay
[docs] @unpack(3) def time_delay( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, z_l, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ): """ Compute the gravitational time delay for light passing through the lens at given coordinates. Args: x (Tensor): Tensor of x coordinates in the lens plane. y (Tensor): Tensor of y coordinates in the lens plane. z_s (Tensor): Tensor of source redshifts. params (Packed, optional): Dynamic parameter container for the lens model. Defaults to None. Returns: Tensor: Time delay at the given coordinates. """ d_l = self.cosmology.angular_diameter_distance(z_l, params) d_s = self.cosmology.angular_diameter_distance(z_s, params) d_ls = self.cosmology.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(z_l, z_s, params) ax, ay = self.reduced_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params) potential = self.potential(x, y, z_s, params) factor = (1 + z_l) / c_Mpc_s * d_s * d_l / d_ls fp = 0.5 * d_ls**2 / d_s**2 * (ax**2 + ay**2) - potential return factor * fp * arcsec_to_rad**2
@unpack(4) def _jacobian_deflection_angle_finitediff( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, pixelscale: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the deflection angle vector. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. """ # Compute deflection angles ax, ay = self.reduced_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params) # Build Jacobian J = torch.zeros((*ax.shape, 2, 2), device=ax.device, dtype=ax.dtype) J[...,0,1], J[...,0,0] = torch.gradient(ax, spacing = pixelscale) J[...,1,1], J[...,1,0] = torch.gradient(ay, spacing = pixelscale) return J @unpack(3) def _jacobian_deflection_angle_autograd( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the deflection angle vector. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. """ # Ensure the x,y coordinates track gradients x = x.detach().requires_grad_() y = y.detach().requires_grad_() # Compute deflection angles ax, ay = self.reduced_deflection_angle(x, y, z_s, params) # Build Jacobian J = torch.zeros((*ax.shape, 2, 2), device=ax.device, dtype=ax.dtype) J[...,0,0], = torch.autograd.grad(ax, x, grad_outputs = torch.ones_like(ax), create_graph = True) J[...,0,1], = torch.autograd.grad(ax, y, grad_outputs = torch.ones_like(ax), create_graph = True) J[...,1,0], = torch.autograd.grad(ay, x, grad_outputs = torch.ones_like(ay), create_graph = True) J[...,1,1], = torch.autograd.grad(ay, y, grad_outputs = torch.ones_like(ay), create_graph = True) return J.detach()
[docs] @unpack(3) def jacobian_deflection_angle( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, method = "autograd", pixelscale = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the deflection angle vector. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. method: autograd or fft """ if method == "autograd": return self._jacobian_deflection_angle_autograd(x, y, z_s, params) elif method == "finitediff": if pixelscale is None: raise ValueError("Finite differences lensing jacobian requires regular grid and known pixelscale. Please include the pixelscale argument") return self._jacobian_deflection_angle_finitediff(x, y, z_s, pixelscale, params) else: raise ValueError("method should be one of: autograd, finitediff")
@unpack(4) def _jacobian_lens_equation_finitediff( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, pixelscale: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the lensing equation at specified points. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. """ # Build Jacobian J = self._jacobian_deflection_angle_finitediff(x, y, z_s, pixelscale, params, **kwargs) return torch.eye(2) - J @unpack(3) def _jacobian_lens_equation_autograd( self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor, z_s: Tensor, *args, params: Optional["Packed"] = None, **kwargs ) -> tuple[tuple[Tensor, Tensor],tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]: """ Return the jacobian of the lensing equation at specified points. This equates to a (2,2) matrix at each (x,y) point. """ # Build Jacobian J = self._jacobian_deflection_angle_autograd(x, y, z_s, params, **kwargs) return torch.eye(2) - J.detach()